- 2019
- Website grouping various tools made for various stakeholders (Heroku, PHP, PostgreSQL, Kanbanize)
Logged times (developer details, completion, teams, etc.). Hotfixes (sump up, card history, etc.). Board stats (hotfix time, hour/point ratio, cards under and overestimated, etc.). Global stats (CAPEX/OPEX, Features/Bugs, Allocated to, etc.).
- 2018
- Website content extractor (NodeJS, ExpressJS, Puppeteer)
Raw data, HAR (HTTP Archive), screenshot, palette, languages and content analysis.
- 2017 - 2018
- OpenXchange migrations (Java, Maven, Hibernate, Tapestry, HTML, SCSS, jQuery, Git, Tomcat)
New client and administration interfaces, new product life cycles and migrations.
- 2015 - 2016
- Showcase website (Craft CMS, PHP, Twig, LESS, Vagrant, Grunt, Git)
Provide to the marketing team a faster and more independent way to communicate with the customers. Create an ETL to be able to display business information.
- 2015
- SSL certificates (Java, Maven, Tapestry, HTML, SCSS, jQuery, Git, Tomcat)
Create connector to centralize communications to various SOAP APIs (general functions, service & query calls, account functions). Create some client (configuration, upselling) and administration parts.
- 2015
- Whois privacy (Java, Tapestry, Groovy, Git)
Create client parts (buy, view and manage). Migration from the legacy system to the new one.
- 2014
- White label solution (Java, Tapestry, Hibernate, Spring, HTML, CSS, Git)
Update client and administration parts in order to provide a real white label solution to our main resellers.
- 2014
- Website rebuild (Java, Tapestry, Hibernate, Spring, HTML, SCSS, jQuery, Git)
Create pages for the showcase and the control panel.
- 2009 - 2019
- Other personal projects (PHP, Laravel, Java, Android SDK, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery, ExpressJS, Git)
API. Light torrent-based personal video recorder. Association website (single page website). Introduction to Android application development. ETL (Extract, Transform and Load). Various websites (site builder, sharing website, personal pages, etc.). CSS frameworks.